Monday, February 17, 2014

Electric Field Flames Reveal in Schlieren Imaging Technique 流場還原成像技

你有觀察過燭火周圍的海市蜃樓嗎?我們要如何還原火焰流場的真相呢?Schlieren 成像技術已經有數個世紀的歷史了,這個方式可以很神奇的讓科學家真正的把原本肉眼看不到的流場變成看得到。下面這張schlieren圖,上面有個螺絲放在板子上,這是要告訴我們這張圖片成像的聚焦處是幾經微調到成像最清晰的地方,連螺牙都清晰可見。

Have you ever observed that the gases around a candle looks different? How does a regular flame jet reveals its truth of flow field? Schlieren  technique has been know for centuries for  scientists understand the invisible flow field. This technique is able to amazingly image flow field become visualize. The following is a schlieren image with a screw on top of the plate which tells you the image is accurate focused at the desired testing zone.

This schlieren image shows a jet flame and the beauty of its flow field. This is what actually happening in the air surround a candle light when burning.

What about an electric field flames? These images reveals how does  electric field flames perform in flow fields. Isn't it amazing and special?